Monday 17 September 2018


You don’t want your perfect pool experience to turn into a tragedy, right? Swimming pool accidents happen too often, and all too often they are avoidable. Having said that, it is time that all the pool owners make smart decisions of enhancing their pool safety.
To give an illustration, how about the famous Wildebeest and waterfalls episode of the ‘Pool Kings’? Notably, the pool owners should be taking inspiration from the concerned grandparents in the episode who are thriving to make the swimming pool experience fun and safe for their grandchildren!
Are you thinking about how to go forward with the safety of the pool? Well, here’s making your job easier. Here is a rundown of 3 safety tips every pool owner should be aware of –

1.      Keep the pool clean
Keeping the pool spick and span is the first step to achieve the perfect pool safety for your loved ones. Well, the visibility of the water is a must to reduce the risk of drowning. Having said that routine checks of the pool should be done in order to clean the pool as well as the pool equipment.
Similar to the episode of Hill Country Heaven, if your pool is in the prime location of your backyard or a garden, it is bound to get dirty, every other day. Thus, it is a must to maintain the balance of the chemicals in the pool. This will ensure that the infections or the irritation of skin and eyes is kept at bay!

2.      Never leave the children unattended
Supervising the children while they are having a bash in the waters is a must. This will help avoid any injuries or drowning. Staying close to the pool and attentive when children are swimming ensures you can react quickly if a child is struggling in the pool.
Regardless of the fact whether your little ones know how to swim or not, you should never leave the kids unattended inside a pool. Make sure that you keep the children away from the areas that are most accident prone – like pipes and drains among others.

3.      Put up a safety fence around your pool
In the light of the safety of your little ones, it is a must for all the pool owners to install a fence around the entire pool. The fence can prevent children from accidentally falling into the pool when playing outside as well as keep younger children away from the pool when you are not supervising.
Make sure that the pool fence is at least 5 feet tall to ensure that no child is able to climb it up. It is a good practice to get installed pool alarms and safety covers to amp up the security of your pools. Additionally, be sure to keep a first-aid kit near your pool in case of an emergency.

These tips will do you good and keep you and your loved ones safeguarded!


Owning a pool comes with a lot of fun and great responsibility. All in all, do not compromise on any safety equipment and measures and protect your family from any kind of pool accident!

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