Tuesday 4 September 2018


Projectors have come a long way from being rolled down in the classrooms to every household screen installation in San Antonio and elsewhere. Do you yourself have a projector at your home? Well, then it is time to ace that game of using the projector screen in multiple ways.
How about introducing fun ways to use your projector with your family? Here is a list of fun ways to amp up your projector use with your family –

1.      Group study sessions
Who said that projectors are to be used only in the schools and classes? Well, time to change that old belief and use your projector to enhance the learning experience even at home.
Do not limit your little ones to studying from textbooks. Add some fun to the study sessions by inviting over your child’s friends and showing different presentations, documentaries, and photos on the projector screen. This will facilitate better and faster learning and also keep the kids zapped with interest.

2.      Puppet show and storytelling
Gone are the days where you just read out to your little ones! It is the era to liven up the stories.
You can use your projector screen to arrange puppet shows and live storytelling sessions for your kiddos. Having a big screen will make it easier to project the images or puppets in a more stimulating and engaging manner. Watch your kids jump with excitement after having this entertaining experience!

3.      Movie screening
Well, you might have purchased the projector and the screen for the very same purpose, right? Yeah, so tune on your favorite movies and watch them with your family!
You can also host an outdoor movie night for your close friends and family. Along with this, you can spend some quality time with your little ones by viewing a cute animated movie that your little one loves! As far as romantic movie dates are considered, you can always shift the mobile screen and projector inside your living room and have a sexy night you were waiting for!

4.      Gaming lounge
Well, your kids love playing games and competing against you, don’t they? Well, then time to jazz up the gaming nights with your huge screen and projector!
Turning your projector rooms into a gaming lounge is one excellent idea. You can call your friends and family to join you for different games and competitions. It is also a good practice to have some quizzes and intellectual games for your kids. Grab some chicken nuggets, nachos, and coke, and you are good to go!

Along with this, you can always incorporate something new and happening to do with your screens and projectors. Don’t miss out on the opportunities to try out different interesting things.


The projector screens in your homes can be the best way to bond with your little ones and spend some quality time with your family! Thus, don’t wait up and start using the projector in these fun and unique ways!

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