Friday 8 February 2019

What Every Woman Needs to Know About a Labiaplasty Procedure?

Labiaplasty is a cosmetic surgical procedure, which can effectively enhance the shape, the size, the symmetry and the overall appearance of the labia. Women often opt for the surgery due to two common reasons –

Reason 1: They experience discomfort and want to improve the hygiene concerns
Reason 2: They are concerned about the appearance of the labia and need to improve it.

Even though they have their reasons, a lot of them make a beeline to get the surgery done without knowing a lot about it. That said, here are some of the things that every woman needs to know about a labiaplasty procedure:

It is Not Painful

The first word that surgeries often bring to the mind is “pain”. But like most of the surgical procedures, labiaplasty in San Antonio and elsewhere is carried out using anesthesia. This way, you will feel no pain but only a mild sensation for a few days. This can be easily managed by the drugs prescribed by the plastic surgeon. The discomfort will fade away soon and you will be able to return to normal routine quickly.

Swelling Resolves in Weeks

After undergoing the procedure, you may notice some kind of swelling and bruising. More often than not, one side will appear having greater swelling than the other. This is only for a handful of patients and not all. The condition, however, subsides within a few weeks, especially with medications.

Resting is Important

As is the case with a lot of surgical procedures, you need to gain optimal rest after the procedure. Make it a point to minimize walking for the first few days. If you have a good support system at home, then you can also be on bed rest and resume physical activities after a few days or so.

Itchiness May Be There

Itching post-surgery can be one of the signs of healing. However, you should make an effort to not rub or scratch the itch. A medication can be prescribed to you for this and you can also use a cold compress if it persists and you need temporary relief.

Wear Loose Clothing

Another point that you need to keep in mind is that you need to wear loose clothing, including the underwear. This will help you prevent rubbing and therefore, avoid the creation of any kind of pain or rash. If you don’t have any such comfortable clothing in your wardrobe, you may want to buy a few specifically before going under the knife.
To Conclude These are some of the things that you need to take into consideration when it comes to labiaplasty in San Antonio Tx and elsewhere. For more such insightful writeups, keep a tab on this space.

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