Thursday 31 January 2019

5 Signs That Tell You Have an Unhealthy Liver


Liver health goes more than not having pain or the absence of a yellow glow on your skin. But do you know what exactly are the signs of an unhealthy liver? Here are some of the points that will help you understand the signs and symptoms that will tell you whether you need to go to a doctor for getting it treated. 

1.You have itchy skin

 Is your skin itching for a long time but you just ward it off as a non-serious issue, you may be mistaken. This is because itchy skin also takes place when you have bile in the bloodstream as a consequence of liver damage. The bile in the blood can collect under the skin and lead to excessive itching. So, if your skin is scratching, apart from rushing to your dermatologist, you may also want to consult a Liver Specialist in San Antonio or elsewhere.

2.You have Spider Angiomas

Do you have small, spider-like capillaries beneath your skin? If your answer is yes, then you will need to check for high level of oestrogen. This is also the indication of your liver not functioning properly and hormones imbalance. If you can see them appearing on your face and legs, you may want to consult your physician. 

3.You have excessive bruising and bleeding 

Do you bruise and bleed quickly/easily after being injured, then it is also an indication that your liver is not healthy. This is due to the reason that the proteins that are needed to clot the blood are not produced in significant amounts. 

4.You have bad breath

Bad breath can be an indicator of various health issues such as oral diseases and sinusitis. At the same time, it is also a sign of liver damage. The particular bad breath is known as a Foetor Hepaticus that is a sign of liver cirrhosis (caused due to high levels of dimethyl sulfide). 

5.Your face has blemishes and hyperpigmentation

The next telltale sign is that your face will start getting brown pigmentation and blemishes. This is again due the imbalance of hormones, particularly, increase in the oestrogen levels.


These are some of the things that you need to take into consideration when you want to check whether your liver is healthy or not. Apart from these, poor concentration can also tell a lot about your liver and in that case, you will need to book an appointment with liver doctors in San Antonio or elsewhere.

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